JZ school’s school anniversary

JZ school’s got its school anniversary on Oct. 20th,2007.Last Saturday,JZ school has got our 1st year birthday. They invited some of ourstudents and some  friends coming to our open day. They’ve got Jazzpiano, jazz vocal, jazz improvisation , lattin percussion and jazzappreciation lessons. A lot of famous teachers in our school such asLawrence ku , Eddie golts, Sinne egg ,etc. gave the students an amazingjazz tour via jazz classes.
People who attended the anniversary all have a good time. The famousM.C. Juliet in Shanghai also attend the anniversary. After she took theclass, she told that she love the atmosphere here and wanted to learnsome music in JZ. One of  the girls also  told us, that she kept thenatural high until the next day.

上周六,2007年10月20日,JZ school迎来了学校的第一个周年庆。他们邀请了很多他们的学生和朋友来参加课程。
体验了公开课,包括了爵士钢琴、爵士声乐、爵士即兴、拉丁打击乐和爵士欣赏。学校的很多声明显著的爵士老师像Lawrence ku , Eddiegolts, Sinneegg等等给学生带了一场别开生面的爵士之旅。著名的主持朱莉叶小姐和她的朋友们也来为校庆捧场,她表示很喜欢这里的环境和氛围,很愿意来这里学爵士音乐。学员们当

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